5/24/24 - Happy Birthday, Cliffeltip One Demo!

Hi there! Yes, it's been about two months since the last post.  Some progress has definitely been made on Cliffeltip 1, just slowly. As things are right now, it's a mystery on if it'll come out by the end of the year. We'll just have to wait and see, hm?

But anywho, it's been a year since the first release of Cliffeltip One's little demo! I've learned a lot in the last year; things that will hopefully make the gameplay a little more smooth. One of those things you'll see integrated into the new BIRTHDAY EDITION of the demo! This version is kind of a jokey non-canon-ish version where it's Toi's birthday. Will Maec and Lune remember his birthday before it's too late?

With that being said, there is one thing in this patch you're meant to take seriously. However, that one thing is for you to find. Maybe try looking in a place you couldn't see? Just a hunch. 

See you soon!


[BIRTHDAY EDITION] Cliffeltip One DEMO v1.2.zip 101 MB
May 24, 2024

Get Cliffeltip - Part One: Make a Wish (DEMO)

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