3/13/24 - Hello! And... Sorry!

Hello! And... Sorry!

"Hello everyone! It's me, Lune's lamp! Like my updated texture?"


Hello, I'd like to start this first devlog by saying I haven't been working on Cliffeltip all that much in the last 294 days. The things I have added or changed are very minor, and most of them are visual changes. Although not much has been done, progress has been picking up the last few days, and I've actually gotten some significant work done in that time. I'd like to show you some of the non-spoilery changes.

This sequence now has a border around the player! I felt it was a little hard to see the character's body before.


The "potted plant" now has the correct perspective! In the past, it faced the camera directly and looked a little off, so I changed it.

The keytar, yay! I finally was able to make it as big as I wanted!


Interior rooms now scroll! I like this change.
That's all I'm gonna show for now! :) 

(Don't worry, there's a lot more done than that. That's just the notable stuff I can show you without spoilers.)

On a completely unrelated and spoiler-free note, do you like my Thanksgiving Turkey character concept?


Get Cliffeltip - Part One: Make a Wish (DEMO)

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